
*まぎれて:見分けにくくなって *つゆも:ほんの少しも

Alas, it happened again!
My girl friend M has disappeared again almost for a month.
She did it a few times before but I never understood why she
did it. We have a language problem and we can hardly discuss
any important matter in depth. To each other we are like aliens.
Basically she is a very sincere person with one-track minded
seriousness. On the other hand, she is extremely laxed when it
comes to promises. If I have a date with her on certain day and
time, it's not a date or a promise. To her it only means she might
meet me on that date and time if all the circumstances are fit.
If she happen to meet her friend on the street and is asked to have
cup of coffee, the date with me will be gone.

John Clare again.

I knew thy name so sweet and young;
'Twas music to my ears,
A silent word upon my tongue,
A hidden thought for years,
Dark hair and lashes swarthy too,
arched on thy forehead pale:
All else is vanished from my view
Like voices on the gale.

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