
雨がふる 雨がふる
濡れる 濡れる こころ
どうしてこんなに どうしてこんなに 暮れゆくのか

かぎりない希望も なにもかも
つめたい雨に つめたい雨に

そのこころは はるか はるか 山のかなたに

( It rains it rains
Wet and wet is my heart
How like this how like this
The day closes

My endless hopes and everything else
Smitten by cold rain cold rain

The withered flower burns into fire
Its heart flies over far far mountains )

I wrote the above poem when I was ten. I was not a happy child.
I was excessively sentimental and resented that the world
didn't understand me. Poetry and music was my only solace.
Without them, I could have turned into a teenager who murdered
other people not in dreams, but in reality. Thank God my mother
taught me the magic of poetry.
Anyway, a rain-smitten flower reminds me of my childhood.

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