
*ふち: 淵、よどんだ深い水たまり *たぎつせ:激つ瀬、激しく流れる川の瀬
*きくらむ: 聞くのだろうか

To anyone, it's hard to accept the loss of love but it's a harsh reality.
When I lost my first love, I could'nt eat, I could'nt sleep. Only Morzart's
Symphony #40 saved my life. After that, this has repeatedly fallen on me
with ever-increasing cruelty. I've found out, however, that it's much
easier to blame myself than throwing a grudge agaist the wemen who
dropped me. Well, life is difficult and we must live with it.
After all, whatever happened, we have eternal friends-poetry, music,
painting etc which embrace us in total solace.

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