( 木枯らしが吹きすさび葦辺は冬枯れの度合いをますます深めて
*風をいたみ:風か強く吹くので *年あけぬれば:年が明ければ

I've tried to compose positive poems at the end of every year.
But this is a sad season and it's quite difficult to do so. For example,
what strikes me most now is a poem by Izumi Shikibu of Heian period:
Kazoureba /Toshi no Nokori mo/Nakari keri/Oinurubakari/Kanashiki wa
nashi. ( If I count, my remaining years are so few and scarce;  How sad it
is to grow old ! ) Another piece of hers: Shinobubeki/Hito mo nakimi wa/
Arutoki ni/Aware Aware to iiya okamashi. ( I cannot think of anyone
who'd miss me when I die. So, let me say for myself "I miss you, I miss
you, my dearest ! )

So my dear friends, please accept the above poem of mine as a New
Year's card.

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