  そなたには洋々とした未来がある  そのためにも 2度とこない若い日日を
  大事にすごして欲しい  そなたにはその価値がある  青春万歳!


This is an ode to an admirably good-natured young girl called
CF. She's a highschool student working as a part-time waitress at
a family retaurant every weekend. She's so pure and nice that I can
hardly believe she's a presentday young girl. She told me she wouldn't
go to college but seek for emplloyment. I have no idea what sort of
family she has been raised. But I have a vague feeling it's a fatherless
family. Of course, it's nothing but a silly imagination of mine.

( June 12, 2007 )
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