

*君をのみ:貴方のことだけを *思ひやりつつ:思いをかけたまま
*まどろむ:うたた寝をする *雲居:雲のある所、天

Let me call her Audrey. She is a quarter Japanese,  her mother
being half Japanese.
( Her mother's Japanese father deserted
his family
right after the War) She agreed to marry me and all
my friends both home and abroad were waiting to celebrate us.
But eventually she disappeared from my view and her family were
not enthusiastic
to tell me where she was. I know now that I was
far from being her ideal man. She must have wanted a stronger
man--a man who knows how to deal with this life, though
he may not be versed in poetry or music. A strong man who is
practical and sometimes worldly enough to be able to cheat others
if necessary, but never be on the side to be cheated.

A few years later, I met her quite by chance. She apologetically
told me " My mother was against our marriage, she does'nt like
Japanese, you know...." I was surprized that Audrey had lost her luster
and looked very ordinary.

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